4 min readMay 11, 2021


Seawall cracks, damages, and failures can be alarming. If not fixed on time, they may cause severe loss to your waterfront property.

Seawalls prevent the crashing waves and high ocean currents from damaging your waterfront property. Under extreme weather conditions, like a flood, cyclones, and hurricanes seawall can help protect your property. Therefore, it is among best-practice that you ensure regular maintenance of your seawalls to prevent any ruinous cracks reduce their lifespan. If you find any cracks or damages to your seawall or notice that it fails prematurely, do not take it lightly and go for instant repairs! Getting professional help may be a better option to prevent rising expenses during the rising tides!

Before you contact any general contractor, research the necessary repairs needed for a seawall and how much it costs you to fix the damages.

Seawall repair is considered an easy-to-do task for the contractor. Most homeowners choose professional contractors licensed and insured to get the repair job done quickly and most effectively!

However, you cannot price out seawall repair as different contractors give different estimations. Homeowners or commercial clients request the on-phone quotes to know how much they would have to pay per foot if they opt for seawall repair.

Let’s help you with the best solutions to get an accurate seawall repair cost estimation. But first, let’s tell you about the benefits of getting timely repairs for your seawall.


Getting necessary repairs for your seawall may add value to your property. It’s a quick and easy-to-do job, and you can get cost-effective services if you already know about the damage.

Also, see if you could do the repairs yourself. Performing little repair jobs such as filling and sealing surface cracks or holes in your seawall may be easy and cheap. However, if you notice any significant damage, do not take a risk and call a professional contractor before it gets intense.


Well, that’s simple. Usually, when you call any contractor and tell them about your damage, they schedule a visit to your place for inspection. However, in the seawall repair case, everything is discussed over the phone without any on-site inspection. So, unless your contractor has no idea about the nature of damage and repairs, how would he be able to give you an accurate cost for ‘per foot’ repair?

You won’t be wrong to ask how a licensed professional could tell what shape your seawall is in or what repairs it needs over the phone.

The answer is: ‘they can’t tell this on-call.’ General contractors mostly ask you about your property’s measurement, or they get it from Google Earth, city, or country records.

Once they have the measurement, they go for a standard cost per foot to quote your repairs. However, that might not be good for you because sometimes your seawall needs surface cracks filled and sealed. It is the kind of task homeowners may be able to do by themselves.

Hiring someone to do such a minor job may cost you a lot of money.

You can also ask them about seawall construction costs to see the difference between the cost of building a seawall and seawall repair. In this way, you will get a perfect idea about everything needed to help you decide about the right contractor.


It would be wise if you do the inspection of all the damages that occurred to your seawall. When you begin, it is most likely that you would be able to spot the signs of a more severe issue with your seawall.

For example, you have found one or many holes in your backyard near your seawall. Having a closer look, you can quickly tell if they are snake holes or turtle holes or if something else caused these gaps.

These kinds of damages have also helped many homeowners to know that their property was eroding from underneath. They immediately called professional repairers and told them about the holes or the cracks. In that way, they were able to get accurate seawall repair costs per foot.

Therefore, it is best to inspect the damages before calling anyone. It can save you a fortune.


G6 Investments is a professional seawall construction and repair company in Miami. We provide reliable construction, renovation, remodeling, and repairing services to South Florida residential and commercial clients. We offer a highly-personalized service through the understanding of the client’s needs and the company’s flexibility. Call us today if you need to fix all the damages to your seawall efficiently. We will thoroughly inspect the damages and provide you the cost per linear foot.




s a licensed General Contractor, Real Estate Agent, and Property Investor, Barbara Perez has been in the industry for over 15 years.